Saturday, June 26, 2010

घाँटु विशेषत तीन किसिमको हुन्छ :
सती घाँटु
कुसुन्डा घाँटु
बाह्रमासे घाँटु
तर बढिमात्रमा प्रचलित रुपमा सती घाँटुनै रहेको छ । यसको निस्चित अबधि हुन्छ जुन माघ महिनाको श्रीपञ्चमीमा शुरु गरेर वैशाख पूर्णिमामा समापन गर्ने गरिन्छ । भने बारमासे घाँटु भने जुन सुकै समयमा पनि नाच्न सकिन्छ । यसको कुनै समयनै हँदैन । घाँटु गित विशेष गरि चार खण्डमा व्याख्या गरेको पाइन्छ जसलाई डाँडी पनि भनिन्छ । जसमा जन्मडाँडी, विवाहडाँडी, शिकारडाँडी, र कुसुन्डाडाँडी पर्दछन् ।

My culture>>>>>>>>>>>
अपनाए चण्डीमाई, आफ्नै गुफामा बसैलो,
६ महिना बर्षदिन हाँसे खेलें भलो विदा देउ
जिये प्राण रहे हुँदी आघुम होला भेट.........

पूणिमाको पाँचौ दिनपछि -जसलाइ पञ्चमि भनिन्छ पुरानो परम्परा अनुसार घाँटु सेलाउन गाउँ भन्दा माथि अलि टाढानै हुनु पर्दछ । त्यस ठाउँमा चण्डीको थान सँगै लाँकुरीको रुख पनि हुनु पर्दछ भन्ने मान्यता परम्परा देखिनै चलन रहि आएको छ । घाँटु सेलाउन जाँदा बाजागाजा सहित लैजाने गरिन्छ । त्यही चण्डीको थानमा गएर रानीहरु सती जान्छ ।
उक्त कथामा राजा परशुराम र रानी यमावतीको कथाको वर्णन गरिएको हुन्छ । कथा अनुसार राजा परशुरामको मृत्यु पछि रानीहरु सती जाने हुनाले उक्त घाँटुलाई सती घाँटु भनिएको हो भन्ने मान्यता रहि आएको छ

मौसम घाँटुको ( Ghatu )

माली गाईको गोबर गंगाजलको पानी ल्यावैला
आफ्नै आँगन लिपैला ।
धरती मातालाई जुहारैलो
सीमीभुमीलाई जुहारैलो
चण्डीमाईलाई जुहारैलो ...............

यस गीतको प्रारम्भसँगै शुरु हुन्छ सती घाँटु । गुरुङ्गजातीहरुको महत्वपूर्ण संस्कृतीहरु मध्ये घाँटु पनि एक हो । घाँटु गीत शुरु गर्नु भन्दा अगावै घाँटुनीहरुले गुरुबा, गुरुआमाहरुलाई ढोग्नु पर्दछ र आफू वस्ने ठाउँमा गाईको गोबरले लिप्नु पर्दछ । लोपोन्मुख अवस्थामा रहेको गुरुङ्ग जातिको पुरानो संस्कृतिको रुपमा रहेको घाँटु नृत्य माघ महिनाको श्रीपञ्चमीमा राम्रो बार पारेर बेलुकीको समयमानै शुरु गरिन्छ र बैशाख पूणिमामा समापन गरिन्छ । तर बैशाख पूणिर्माको बिहान सम्पूर्ण गाउँलेहरुले आ-आफ्नो घरको पुजा सकेपछि उक्त दिनमा भने घाँटु नृत्य दिनमै शुरु गरिन्छ । उक्त दिनमा गाउँका युवा तथा बाबाहरु मिलेर पूर्र्णोको उक्त दिनमा भोलीपल्ट -जुन दिनलाई वासी पूर्र्णो भनिन्छ जोगे -जोकर समूहलाई र घाँटुनी समूहलाई चाहिने सामान बनाउनु पर्दछ ।-स्थानिय भाषमा उत्त सामानलाई दारपात भनिन्छ । घाँटुको सामान बनाउँदा केवल सिमलकै काठ प्रयोग गर्नु पर्ने चलन रहि आएको छ । कथा अनुसार सामानहरु घोंडा, बन्दुक, खुकुरी, बाँसको दरबार -जुन सात तलाको हुन्छ, जसलाई सला भनिन्छ वासी पूणिर्माको दिनमा जोगे निस्किन्छ । उक्त दिनमा राजा आफ्नो दलबल सहित शिकार खेल्न जंगलतिर लाग्दछ । मृग मारे पछि राजालाई एउटा साँप्रा दिनु पर्दछ भने अरुमासु त्यही खान्छन् । कथा अनुसारनै मासु, खाने दाँत कोट्याउने, अभिनय हँस्यौलीपारामा जोगे समूहले गर्दछ भने त्यहि अभिनय घाँटुनीहरुले नृत्यमानै गर्दछ । त्यस पछि जोगे र घाँटुनीहरुले त्यहाँ आउने दर्शकहरुसँग दक्षिणा माग्ने चलन पनि रहेको छ ।
Tamu Community
Gurungs are hard working mongolian hill people inhabiting southern part of Annapurna region in between 5,000 to 7,000 feet. Their main villages around Pokhara,syangja,Lamjung,Parvat include Ghandruk, Dhampus, Ghachok, Armala, Tanting, Chhomorng and Sikles. Gurung people are considered honest, brave and laborious. Most of the Gurungs prefer to join the British and Indian army.They have their own language and their cultural practices are still existing. The Gurungs live in small round, oval or rectangular houses which are clustered to form a single village. The upper section of their house is white washed and the lower part is red plastered.

The traditional costume for the women is maroon velvet blouse and large cloth which is fastened over their one shoulder, a wrap-round skirt and many yards of narrower cloth wrapped around their waist. Their ornaments include gold and coral necklaces which represent the prosperity of their family. Gold ear and nose rings are given to woman at the time of marriage. Money, keys and various useful things are wrapped into the waist cloth. A cotton cloth is usually tied round the head.

Males wear a short tied across the front and a short skirt of several yards of white cotton material wrapped around the waist and held by a broad belt.
In Gurung community, boys and girls are free to make self choice of marriage partners. However, traditionally, cross-counsin marriage both of paternal and maternal lineage is widely practiced. The Gurungs have a very interesting dance tradtion. Two dances namely Ghatu and Shorathi are most popular. Rodi is another interesting Gurung institution. This is a club for boys and girls, of more or less of the same age-usually ten or eleven, under the supervision of an adult. Rodi also serves as a work association where various activities are planned for co-operative working. The most important festival of Gurung is Lhosar which is observed in the end of December.

Both cremation and burial practice of disposing dead bodies are prevalent in Gurung communities. Sometimes in the memory of dead person resting places (Chautara) are constructed.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


The Gurung people are ethnic group who migrated from Tibet to the Central region of Nepal Gurung, Sherpa,Tamang, Thakali, Manaaggi, Mustaaggi, Walunggi and many east Asian featured people of Nepal are the indigenous people of Nepal’s mountainous valleys. Their ancestors practiced Tibetan Bhuddism and Bhon (Shamanism). According to recent surveys, most Gurung people claim to be Buddhist. They live primarily in north west Nepal in Gandaki zone, specifically Lamjung, Kaski, Tanahu, Gorkha, Parbat and Syangja districts as well as the Manang district around the Annapurna mountain range. Some live in the Baglung, Okhaldhunga and Taplejung districts and Machhapuchhre as well. Small numbers are believed to be living in Sikkim, Bhutan and India's West Bengal.
There are 686,000 Gurung (Τamu) (2.39% of Nepal's total population) of which 338,925 speak Gurung language. Gurung their ancestors, culture and traditions are traced back to Tibet. Though, Tibet is called "Bhot" in Nepali language. Bahun/Chettri(Khas)people are Hindu, Indo-Aryan group who have migrated to Nepal after 12th century and established caste system and claimed themselves the top of social class. Nepali of Asian appearance refer themselves as Mongoloid. Sometime, the term Mongoloid gets mistaken by youngsters and they think their ancestors originated from Mongolia. No study findings have pointed Gurungs origin to Mongolia. Instead, many studies and historians had confirmed their origin to Tibet